Friday, May 25, 2007

First Meeting! Update

More news, already! Me and Melyssa recently found out that there will be a senior showcase happening at the Carmike theater 7:30pm to 12:00am - conveniently sucking all the scad filmmakers away from our meeting!! So instead of Wednesday, we would like to meet on Tuesday, 8:00pm. But don't worry there will still be free food.
In other news... we've found three possible locations, pending approval as I type! Once those are finalized, they will be posted.

Good luck with finals!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

First Meeting!

Hello, hello! Melyssa and I are really excited to finally set this project in motion! Today we were out looking at locations, and we've found some very cool places. I'll be posting pictures soon, for sure. We've got a lot more crew, and everyone has a lot of questions, so we've decided on holding a meeting on Wednesday, the 30th at 8:00pm. Adler Hall Rm 303. Hope to see a lot of you there! (PS, free food! WOO!)
