We've actually been on quite a few difficult journeys looking for these places in Savannah. Here's our story so far...
As we set out on our trek, we knew already that it would be a heck of a search. I was quite enthusiastic about the upcoming voyage. Melyssa, however, was ready for business.
From areas like Fort Pulaski, to strange parks on the side of the road, we drove and walked miles, looking for a place that was feasable to shoot in, get permission for, and... well of course that didn't have insects and snakes which Melyssa has an intense fear for.
Finally, we headed out to Tybee Island, where we combed the sand dunes. During our search, we found a very pleasing area that we felt was definately suitable for our desert scene! It's right near the lighthouse, wedged between two sand dunes.
Dry vegetation and perfect bushes litter the sandy terrain, just as the Melyssa had imagined!
After leaving for a 2 week break, Melyssa travelled around Puerto Rico, her home town, taking pictures of tropical rainforests for inspiration.
The landscapes and forests are visually stunning, and a great way to form ideas. Too bad we can't form a budget to fly our crew down for a weekend!
Upon our return, we quickly drove to a bamboo garden that we heard much about. We spoke to the owner of the garden about our film, and it looks as though everything should be okay for producing our movie on their land!And so we have it, two locations. Now all we need to do is figure out this pond thing...
We've got a lot ahead of us.
'Til next time,